» Auto Accident Triage:  What to do Immediately After an Accident
» Dealing with Insurance Companies and Resolving your Car Accident Case
» Getting Your Life Back Together After a Car Accident Injury
Life moves fast. Although we may try to plan, schedule, and chart a simple course, life rarely goes along with this. You could be heading firmly in one direction when life blindsides you coming from the other direction—literally.
In 2012, nearly 5.5 million reported motor vehicles accidents rocked American roads, and over 1.5 million of those involved injuries. According to the United States Centers for Disease Control, Louisiana had the seventh-highest average rate of auto injury fatalities between 2007 and 2009. Driving, though an everyday task for most Louisiana citizens, always brings with it risks and potential for danger.
Motor vehicle accidents are traumatic. They, seemingly out of nowhere, invite physical and emotional pain that are aggravated further by the consequences that come after, which can include injury recovery, financial struggles, time management, legal concerns, and vehicle repair (or replacement). The emotions that follow likewise tend to cause agitation: confusion, fear, anger, and frustration. In some sense, it’s an intersection of the least pleasant things at the worst possible time.
Many of us juggle too much as it is, and something as devastating as a car crash can set us over the edge. Few are equipped to handle such a disaster, so it’s vital to have a resource to rely on.
The following information is dedicated to helping you (or your loved one) process your accident in the healthiest, most efficient way possible. Specifically, it serves as a step-by-step guide that walks the reader through the most common obstacles associated with car crashes, including injury recovery, handling insurance companies, legal expectations, emotional responses, and more.
This advice, though not a substitute for legal counsel, will take the shape of practical tips, coping strategies, directories, links to outside resources, and essays to cover virtually every one of your needs.
Auto Accident Triage – What to do Immediately After an Accident
PART ONE covers the actions you should take within the first week of your crash. We’ll walk you through the immediate dos and don’ts of your post-accident management process. The decisions made in the first week after the crash could have critical and long-lasting effects on your future. The section offers practical, concrete advice for how to handle this no-doubt high-stress span of time. This will help shave off much anxiety and panic that has no doubt come along for the ride.
- Moments After the Crash
- Document Your Injuries After a Louisiana Auto Accident
- What If Your Crash Was Hit And Run?
- A Word On “UIM” And “UM” Situations
- When It Comes to Collecting Evidence in a Louisiana Car Accident, Time Is of the Essence
- Seeking Medical Help Right After a Louisiana Auto Accident
- Ensuring Excellent Post-Accident Care After Your Louisiana Car Crash
- Dealing with the Insurance Company After Your Louisiana Car Crash
- Finding and Working with a Qualified Louisiana Auto Accident Lawyer
- Do You Need An Attorney At All to Handle Your Louisiana Auto Accident?
- Tips For How to Find And Work with a Louisiana Auto Accident Attorney
- How to Ensure an Excellent Working Relationship with Your Louisiana Car Accident Lawyer
Dealing with Insurance Companies and Resolving Your Car Accident Case
PART TWO handles the long-term issues related to the crash. Once you make it past the first troublesome week, you still face a number of annoying issues. This section will discuss how to handle insurance companies, pre-case preparation, and soft-tissue injury recovery. Injury recovery is a particularly large part of this section.
- Repairing Your Car Or Replacing It If It’s a Total Loss
- A Quick Guide to  “Soft Tissue” Injuries Caused by Louisiana Car Accidents
- Understanding Insurance Companies and Their Bag of Tricks
Getting Your Life Back Together After a Car Accident Injury
PART THREE focuses on all the secondary stressors that can pile up after the accident. A collision can easily turn problems that piled up pre-crash into a total landslide afterwards—a landslide mixed with brand new problems. This section will help victims pick up the pieces in other facets of their lives, handling stress related to finances, work, relationships, medical, mental trauma and more. We’ll cover strategies, easy tips, and links to more help. This section can help return you to a life where you’re healthy, joyful, and stable once more.
Don’t let life strand you in the emergency lane for any longer than necessary. With the aid of this blog post series, you can pick yourself up, find important resources, obtain clarity and move forward.
- Gaining Even More Control Over Your Life After Your Car Accident
- Journaling, Eating Well and More After a Louisiana Car Crash
- Resting, Meditating and Connecting with Others After Your Car Crash
- Getting Your Finances Rock Solid After Your Accident
- Conclusion: A Step by Step Guide to Handling a Louisiana Car Accident
For immediate insight into your Louisiana car accident, call the Law Office of Keith L. Magness, LLC right now at (504) 264-5587.